


In an industrial environment, training is a vital part of onboarding new employees and refreshing the skills of existing employees. Many of the environments those employees need to be trained in are dangerous, remote or both. Being able to train employees without spending money on insurance and travel, or putting them into a dangerous environment is therefore of high value to employers in the industrial world.

Virtual training solves many problems of cost and safety for companies that need staff to operate dangerous or remote equipment. The Digital Twin can form the basis of that training system, typically combined with a Learning Management System (LMS). UrsaLeo’s Gemini digital twins platform can be streamed to a computer or to a virtual reality (VR) headset to allow a fully immersive experience.

UrsaLeo has partnered with Emmersive Learning, who can build a complete training course based on the Digital Twin. Sensor readings of real equipment can be displayed as part of the twin and ‘What-if’ scenarios created as the operator changes variables on the virtual unit. Generative AI is used as part of the program to allow the operator to ask simple language questions and be guided through the program.

The Gemini platform provides photo-realistic graphics, running at 200 frames per second (FPS) to minimize nausea often experienced with lower frame rate graphics systems. The ray traced quality of the graphics truly immerses the user in a virtual environment.

To begin creating a virtual training or informational course, customers will need to sit down with Emmersive, or another LMS provider to review existing material and develop a course with suitable checkpoints and tests. Creating such a course will typically require a series of interviews, particle hands on experience and review of existing material.

Once the course is created, the choice of media for the course delivery needs to be selected. Delivery to a flat screen computer is one way where the trainee will see instructional videos and then complete a test, typically multiple choice to generate a pass / fail. The course can be taken multiple times.

Another media delivery is via a VR headset where the trainee is much more thoroughly immersed in the ‘world’ which will give a deeper learning experience. One consideration associated with VR headsets is they often creat nausea. This is due to the display not refreshing fast enough to keep up with the trainee’s head movements creating a conflict in the brain between what is expected and what is actually experienced.

Gemini digital twins can help alleviate that problem by delivering stunning graphics at 200FPS to any headset. This is because the compute power available in an NVIDIA server farm vastly exceeds the limited power inside a headset. Streaming graphics in this way removes hardware needs of the VR device.

Further immersion can also be introduced through the use of haptic devices, where the user feels they can really ‘feel’ the world they are interacting with.

Virtual training saves time, money and improves safety. It also generates a record of the training undertaken and the results achieved allowing for a much greater consistency in training results. The massive compute power being delivered by UrsaLeo’s Gemini digital twin platform helps alleviate some of the downsides of limited compute power. Stunning graphics can be delivered to the most basic computer or the cheapest headset at a breathtaking 200FPS and with no limit on the size of the training environment.

If you’d like to know more about digital twin based training or LMS systems in general, please contact us and we’d be happy to arrange demonstrations with our partner in this space.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Immersive training Virtual Reality (VR) with Digital Twin

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