Analytics: With UrsaLeo Digital Twins that enable the collection and analysis of vast quantities of data, leading to valuable discoveries. UrsaLeo works with a number of analytics companies from SkyFoundry (building energy analytics) through to (massive number crunching in real time). Together we help you make informed justified decisions based upon real time data that matters to your business.
Building energy: SkyFoundry’s SkySpark software is used in over 1 billion sq ft of buildings worldwide. It provides a comprehensive way to collect and analyze building data and provides insight into efficiency and highlights potential problems. When integrated with UrsaLeo, that data can be displayed on a dashboard integrated with the Digital Twin. We also apply generative artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to query the data; ‘Which of the air handlers is least efficient’. ‘How much energy have I used this quarter compared to the same quarter last year?’ With artificial intelligence (AI) these queries can yield simple English answers as well as highlighting the relevant equipment in the twin.
UrsaLeo is partnered with who perform massive data analytics in near real time using NVIDIA graphics processing unit (GPU). This can be used for analyzing truly huge data sets such as Radio Frequency (RF) coverage for telecom companies or Oil and Gas survey results with UrsaLeo.
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