

NVIDIA supports a wide range of simulation tools, all of which can be integrated with Omniverse and delivered via Gemini. These  can be used for design and planning, testing different scenarios or to simulate catastrophic events.  Packages include:

Robotics: IsaacSIM is designed to simulate the operation of any robot such as those used on production lines. Using it operators can design, simulate and train AI based robots with full support for tools such as ROS2.0

Vehicles: DriveSIM allows simulation of moving vehicles including the ability to simulate traffic behavior at scale.



Fires and explosions: NVIDIA has a comprehensive set of tools to simulate fires and explosions.



Fluids and gases: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations take advantage of the massive power of GPUs to simulate fluid and gas flow.



Physics: NVIDIA offers a physics based simulator to show the effects of collisions are objects falling under gravity.



People: Avatars can be introduced into the digital twin to show how people will react with the environment.




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